
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sam's First Week

It's official - we've never done anything as amazing as being new parents! Sam is literally growing before our eyes, and he shows a little more personality every day. He's quite the little
thinker -- he loves to really focus on things as if he's trying to figure out everything he can about them -- and he loves to look out the windows at the great outdoors. He's eating and sleeping well, and we feel VERY blessed and lucky to have such a sweet, happy, and healthy baby.

Not surprisingly, being new parents means we spend so much time feeding, changing, and soothing (and oogling over) our son that we don't find much time to update the blog! Sam's fans have been demanding a new post, though, so here are some more pics from his first week of life.

My first bath...

Getting some love from Mom & Dad...

My little hands and feet are so sweet...

Showing off a hand-me-down outfit from my Uncle David...

Off to the pediatrician for my first check-up!

Posing with a map of Eastern NC (my mom is teaching me about my roots early)...

My big sister Annie loves me very much and is very protective of me...

Just a few pics of me chilling out and being sweet...

He'll be two weeks old tomorrow, and we promise to post pics from Week 2 this weekend!

Monday, July 13, 2009


Samuel Johnston Tousey
4:22 pm
7 lbs, 8 oz
21 inches
Indescribably cute

Loyal reader(s), we know you came here for photos of Sam, not bad jokes from Clay, so don't worry, we'll cut to the chase. But first, a few more details....
Oh come on, don't start scrolling yet. This is pretty good. Or, informative at the least...And don't give us that "I've already heard the story" business.

After being told by our doctor on Tuesday, July 7, that Sam wasn't coming any time soon, Tracy started feeling the magic contractions at 11:30 pm on Wednesday, July 8. We waited for Clay to wake up and for the contractions to become sufficiently torturous, and then headed to St. Luke's at 4 am on Thursday morning. Trying his best to follow the doctor's prediction, Sam didn't seem ready to arrive during Tracy's 5 am or 7 am exams at the hospital, so they gave us a smile and an Ambien and told us to come back when the pain was truly painful.
Tracy took the Ambien, walked 100 feet from the nurses' station to the elevator...and then her water broke in the elevator. Game on! Of course, this particular "game" then involved napping until about noon or so (this blog post brought to you by the makers of Ambien...), before the pushing started at about 3 pm. 82 glorious (well, at least from Clay's perspective) minutes later, Sam arrived!

You're scrolling, aren't you? You think you've already heard the story and just want to see pictures? Come on, maybe there's something you missed. And don't forget the jokes...

Sam was, in a word, absolutely the most adorable little creature you have ever seen in your life, or the lives of any our ancestors or progeny. Period.
While Sam worked on continually breaking his own record for cuteness, our wonderful doctors tended to Tracy. We cannot be more grateful for their great work, and by 7:30 pm on Thursday, Sam was safely in Tracy's healthy arms, the glowing grandparents greeted our little guy, and all was more-than-well in our little corner of the world. The end.

Okay, okay, here are the pictures. Did you scroll down? Don't worry, we're not really upset with you, just a little disappointed. Okay, never mind, we totally understand. He's the cutest!

Well, we could go on and on about how cute Sam is, but we figure you should judge for yourself:

Ha, we got you! Not exactly "cute" yet, but a pretty cool picture, huh? Okay, here are some cuter pictures from Sam's first few days:

Some of the blog's loyal readers showed up at the hospital to greet Sam. He already has groupies!

Then someone told daddy Clay a great joke about poopy diapers!

On Sunday, July 12, the day came for Sam to get all dressed up, for his mom and dad to get cleaned up (except, apparently, for daddy Clay to shave - nice work keeping it classy...), and to head on home!
His grandparents Papa Michael and Nana Brenda made an enormous sign to greet him, and then came the big moment to meet his sister, Annie, the world's second cutest known fauna. There are rumors that all sweetness in the world was sucked into some sort of black hole of snuggles when the two of them met. Grandpa Chip and Grandma Phy came by later that day with Aunt Meredith, and now Sam, his parents, their camera, that cable that links the camera to the computer, and the trusty ole Dell are enjoying the start of what is truly an amazing, miraculous journey!

Slow down the scroll, big guy. It's only pictures from here on out...

Scroll up, scroll up! You scrolled right through it!