
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Happy Memorial Day!

It just didn't feel like Memorial Day not being at the River. I can't remember the last time we weren't there for the weekend...but this year, with a 5-week-old, we were not quite in enough of a groove yet to take on the adventure of an 8-hour drive each way within 3 days and sleeping with two pack n' plays in one room, especially knowing we would be getting up with Caroline twice at night (and therefore probably getting up with Sam twice at night too!).

We missed everyone, but we had a good low-key weekend here in town. We spent plenty of time at the BEACH! Sam had an indescribably fun time. He had a great time playing on the beach with Phy (who is, by the way, the only adult with enough energy to keep up with Sam!), and Miss Caroline got some snuggle time with Chip.

Here's sweet Caroline snoozing in her tent and enjoying the ocean breeze...
Sam running to check out the super-exciting SAILBOAT!

..and playing in the sand!
We spent yesterday at home and had a fantastic Memorial Day cookout. Delicious pork tenderloin with pineapple and mango salsa (Clay hasn't had many chances to cook in the last month, but when he does, it's delicious!). Sam took a marathon nap yesterday, and when he woke up he and Caroline spent some time hanging out in his crib. He showed her all his favorite toys and books. It was so, so sweet.
Sam holding Caroline very gently :)
It was a great Memorial Day weekend. Mom missed the River, but we'll be up that way later this summer (hopefully when we're all a little more rested and a little more settled in normalcy :)!

We'll sign off with some sweet pics of Caroline from today. She's giving us tons of happy smiles, but of course I can't manage to catch one on camera. I did get one the moment BEFORE she smiled and one the moment AFTER. Smiles or no smiles, these pictures of Princess Squishycheeks are pretty sweet (look out Henry Hathaway! In another month or two, she just may give you some competition in the sweet-cheeks department!)

Friday, May 13, 2011

Baby Toes!

Is there anything in the world sweeter than baby toes and fingers?

As Caroline was waking up from a nice long nap yesterday, I grabbed the camera for some sweet pictures.

Although it's much easier to put her down in the swing, I'm trying to make sure Caroline gets one or two naps a day in her crib so she can get used to it. Our bassinet, though very sweet (it's the one my dad & all his sisters slept in as babies, then my brother and I and some of our cousins slept in it, and my aunt let us borrow it for Sam and now for Caroline) - anyway, though it is very special, the bassinet is small, so she is almost outgrowing it already! She'll be moving to the crib for nighttime sleep soon, so I want her to start getting comfy in there!

We love this sweet face!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mother's Day Weekend

Clay, Sam, Caroline, and Annie made it a very special Mothers' Day Weekend at our house. I had a great weekend surrounded by the people I love most in the world.

Saturday was pretty HOT, so Caroline enjoyed some playtime inside while Sam cooled off in his pool outside.

On Sunday, we had a Mothers Day breakfast picnic at the "boat park." The weather was cool and breezy, and we had the park to ourselves for a while. It was a perfect way to celebrate with my two munchkins!
Sam giving big hugs and kisses to his little sister...

Sam peeking out of the tunnel to say hi!

Miss Caroline turned two weeks old this weekend, and she is growing so fast! She had her first growth spurt late last week, and she is getting so strong already! When I hold her, she picks her head up off my shoulder to look up at me, and she really likes tummy time. Here she is having tummy time fun on Sunday afternoon...

And I love a good sleeping baby picture! Here she is enjoying a catnap in her swing.
It's only been two & a half weeks, but it feels like little Miss Caroline has been part of our family forever. Sam continues to be such a sweet big brother, and we continue to be thankful for how smoothly everything is going.

More pictures to come soon!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Caroline Comes Home!

Here she is!

Miss Caroline is 12 days old today, and it has taken her mom, dad, and big brother Sam a while to string together enough spare moments to upload all her pictures and do a blog post. Her adoring fans will have to accept our apologies. Hopefully a post full of pictures of this sweet face will make up for it!
Caroline came home from the hospital on Easter morning. Chip and Phy brought big brother Sam to the hospital so that the four of us could ride home together as a family. I must admit it was a very sweet ride home :) Here's Caroline saying goodbye to the hospital and wearing the adorable "Easter bonnet" that one of the very thoughtful nurses at Baptist South made for all the Easter babies.
First moments at home...

Sam has been SO GOOD with her. He gives her lots of hugs and tries to share his toys, rocks, and food with her, and is learning that he has to do so VERY GENTLY. :) He already loves her and wants to help take care of her. What a relief! We couldn't be any prouder of this little man and how well he seems to weather every transition...especially this life-altering one!
Since we came home on Easter morning, one of our first orders of business was to check out Sam and Caroline's Easter baskets! Sam got lots of things for playing outside...a bug net, his very own watering can (he loves to water the flowers), some seeds to plant, bubbles, sidewalk chalk...and LOTS of Play Doh! Caroline got a Sleep Sheep, some pacifiers, and a baby book :)
We had one day at home just the four of us, and then Nana and Papa came to meet Caroline and provide some much needed help! Caroline started her first full day at home with a long, long nap...
Then she and Sam spent some time snuggling with Papa.

The whole family took a trip to the park, where Caroline and I chilled in the shade while Sam played on the slides and showed Papa the sailboats. I am feeling about a million times better than I did at this point after my last delivery, and it is SO NICE to be able to get outside and play with both kiddos so soon.
Just a couple more sweet photos from Caroline's first week at home...
We celebrated Caroline's one-week birthday by having CamiCakes with Nana, Phy, and Aunt Meredith. Guess who liked this birthday celebration most?'s a hint :)
Sam had never had a whole real cupcake before, and after the way he reacted to this one we may not let him have another one for another few years! He was CRAZY! He had a blast playing, though, and we all enjoyed celebrating one wonderful week with Caroline.

Nana left late Monday night, but not before she got a few last snuggles with both grandkids!
And now it's just the four of us. We're doing pretty well so far...just very tired! We feel so tremendously blessed to have such a sweet little family, and we just can't wait to watch these two grow up together. There are so many adventures in our future, and we just couldn't be more grateful.