Clay, Sam, Caroline, and Annie made it a very special Mothers' Day Weekend at our house. I had a great weekend surrounded by the people I love most in the world.
Saturday was pretty HOT, so Caroline enjoyed some playtime inside while Sam cooled off in his pool outside.

On Sunday, we had a Mothers Day breakfast picnic at the "boat park." The weather was cool and breezy, and we had the park to ourselves for a while. It was a perfect way to celebrate with my two munchkins!

Sam giving big hugs and kisses to his little sister...

Sam peeking out of the tunnel to say hi!

Miss Caroline turned two weeks old this weekend, and she is growing so fast! She had her first growth spurt late last week, and she is getting so strong already! When I hold her, she picks her head up off my shoulder to look up at me, and she really likes tummy time. Here she is having tummy time fun on Sunday afternoon...

And I love a good sleeping baby picture! Here she is enjoying a catnap in her swing.

It's only been two & a half weeks, but it feels like little Miss Caroline has been part of our family forever. Sam continues to be such a sweet big brother, and we continue to be thankful for how smoothly everything is going.
More pictures to come soon!
She is so cute! Love catching up this way and look forward to more pics:)