
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

We are so far behind on our blog posts!  If I waited until I had time to catch up, I don't think I'd ever post I'm just skipping ahead to today.  HAPPY HALLOWEEN!  

Sam has been so excited about Halloween that you'd think it was Christmas.  He has been counting down the days and just couldn't wait to wear his Pirate Captain costume to school today.  Caroline doesn't yet understand the Halloween concept, but she definitely loved being Little Red Riding Hood all day!

I went to school for their Halloween party, and they had the cutest little trick-or-treating parade around the school.  Sam was SO PROUD of his costume the whole time, and he is thrilled about all the treats he collected!

After school, we gathered with the Haleys for some trick-or-treating!  

Sam and Liza led the charge all over the neighborhood, and Caroline was a step behind them the whole way.  We trick or treated early last year, but this year we stayed out a little later, and it was so much fun to see the streets full of adorable little kids in their costumes. 

 After dinner and a few more treats than I probably should have let them have (What can I say?  I was having too much fun enjoying Halloween with them to ration the candy too severely), they both fell fast asleep.

After watching them soak up the excitement and joy of Halloween, I am so excited to head into the holiday season.  Everything -- especially holidays - are so much more fun through the eyes of these happy kiddos.