It's hard to believe it's true. Since July 9 of last year, Sam has morphed before our eyes...from a sweet little bundle who loved to sleep curled up on our chests and loved nothing in the world more than swinging in his lamb swing into a giggling, walking, talking, independent little man who still knows how to give the best hugs in the world.
We've celebrated so many milestones along the way...smiling, holding his head up, holding toys, sitting up, eating solid foods, SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT(!), crawling, standing, feeding himself, and walking. He's gone from sitting in my lap (mostly sleeping) while I read "Goodnight Moon" and "Guess How Much I Love You" for the upteenth times to picking out his favorite, sitting down in my lap, turning the pages, and pointing out all his favorite pictures. He's transformed from a helpless (yet incredibly sweet) little guy into one who prefers to feed himself and takes his toothbrush out of my hand so he can proudly brush his own teeth. And he's gone from a snuggly little newborn to...well, a snuggly little boy. His hugs really are life-changing.
He's incredibly happy, giggly, headstrong (like his momma!), independent, and just so, so sweet. We couldn't be prouder of him, and we're grateful for an incredible year of adventure and growth and love.
Thanks, Sam, for being you.
And here are some pics from Sam's big day! He had a great time playing in the kiddie pools. Here he is with his buddies Liza and Kailyn.
...and the brightly-colored packages...