Yesterday may very well have been the best day of Sam's life. We went with his buddies Kailyn, Connor, and Millie to see ELMO and all his friends from SESAME STREET on stage! Sam has been looking forward to this for weeks and weeks (almost every day, he would say, "Momma, I get to see Elmo in justa coupla weeks?"). Well, yesterday was the day, and it lived up to all his wildest expectations.
At 10:30 on a Saturday morning, the Moran Theater at the local Times Union Center was SOLD OUT and full of preschool-age kids signing and clapping and all decked out in their favorite character's t-shirt. And I have to give props to the Sesame Street folks... they totally understand kids. Imagine literally HUNDREDS of kids aged 1 to 5, all sitting still in their seats, totally engrossed, and not a single kids melting down or acting out! This is how much they love Elmo - they forgot to throw tantrums for a whole hour and a half!
Here are a few pics of sweet Sam getting excited for the big event, then hangin out with his buds after the show.
The show was all about learning how to be a super hero, including eating healthy foods, taking good naps, and getting lots of exercise outdoors. They also talked a lot about super heroes wearing capes. So, as you can imagine, Sam came home wanting to wear a cape and much more excited than usual for a healthy lunch and his nap (thank you, Sesame Street!). He wore a SuperSam cape all afternoon. So cute!
While Sam and I went to Sesame Street, Caroline and Dad chilled at home and ran a few errands - a sweet little father-daughter morning! She's growing amazingly fast, rolling all over the place, and babbling and laughing at us. I cannot believe how fast time is flying with her. Just tonight I got a few more pics of her doing artwork at school, so I had to share this silly one with everyone.