We have some new pictures to post, but those will have to wait. For now, we've just finished reading through our friends' recent posts from the last week or so, and are just struck by how blessed we all are and how much we - and so many of our dearest friends - have all grown since becoming parents.
Sweet Henry Hathaway made it through heart surgery like a little champion this week, and while we know it's such a blessing his condition was discovered early, we just can't imagine how hard the last couple of weeks have been on his mom and dad. It takes becoming a parent to know just how scary that kind of news must be and how scarring that kind of experience must feel. We breathed a huge sigh of relief this week, and now we are celebrating along with Katie and David and Henry and Cohen as Henry recovers like a trooper!
For other friends, the last few weeks have been exciting and life-altering in other ways...Brady is walking now, and the Brennans are moving back to Charlotte to start another chapter in their life with little Evan. And Frazier is cute as ever, pulling up and making sweet faces for the camera, and enjoying more time with her dad, who no longer has to commute 2 1/2 hours everyday! And so many other friends' families are growing and charting new paths everyday.
And life has been exciting and full of change for us, too. We've had a little bit of a false alarm/ scare with Caroline the last couple of weeks...the docs have been worried that she's not gaining weight, but we now know she's A-OK and should arrive healthy and happy sometime in the next four weeks! Sam is in the sweetest, happiest phase, and our hearts melt over and over again every time he does something new or especially sweet or especially surprising. It's literally like falling in love for the first time over and over again, several times a day.
I can't imagine anything more incredible, or more challenging, or scarier, or more perfect than being a parent. And today I'm feeling especially grateful for all these healthy, happy, kiddos, for amazing families and loved ones who provide support and love and prayers, and all these incredible friends to go through this amazing stage of life with.