Whew, yet another 4 months have gone by between blog posts! I'll keep the words to a minimum and focus on the PHOTOS so you can see how much these sweet kiddos have grown!
We'll skip the cold winter months when, to be honest, we had too much fun to take many pictures. We more than made up for it this spring, though...as evidenced by the dozens of pictures below!
We'll start with Palm Sunday... Hosannah, hosannah!
Including the first of many Easter egg hunts!
Then went up to NC for Easter weekend...
(P.S. - YES! That's Caroline walking in the picture below! This little go-getter wanted to keep up with her big brother and started walking about two months ago. She now basically runs everywhere she goes and laughs at those of us who can't keep up!)
At Nana and Papa's house, we had more Easter egg hunts and played in Nana's garden...
Look! A rare picture of us together!
...and had an early celebration of Caroline's birthday. She loved it! The singing, the cupcakes, being the center of attention for a change...she totally soaked it up :)

Sweet big brother Sam helped Caroline open presents... Caroline mostly wanted to decorate herself.
On Easter morning, Sam once again very sweetly helped Caroline go through her basket. No kid has ever enjoyed opening gifts (whether they're his or not) more than Sam Tousey.
And then we were off to the Cabin to see the Swarming Stricklands and have yet another...drumroll please...egg hunt!
Sam and Clark sang our Easter blessing...
The kids' table
It took approximately 87 takes to get all kids looking in the same general direction for this photo!
And then they were off!
Nana and Papa helped give Caroline an advantage...
Sam stopped for a hug from Sis
...and to show off his loot.
The kids check out their egg contents, which included coins...these are way better than the eggs we had when we were kids!
It's not a Strickland holiday without a tractor ride!
And a Gator ride for good measure.
Back at home, Sam has mostly outgrown his nap, but occasionally passes out in random places...like a swing...or the arm of the couch.
Caroline shows off her yogurt-eating skills
And THEN, this weekend, Caroline turned ONE! It is really hard to believe, but one year ago today we were snuggling with her in the hospital. The year has gone amazingly fast, and we're amazed every day at her sweetness and curiosity and the wonderful way her big brother takes care of her.
We all got up early on Saturday morning, the day before her birthday, to open an early present. Sam, of course, helped Caroline dig into the wrapping paper.
And the kids tried out the brand new swing set (completed Friday afternoon, just in time for the party weekend!)
Then we celebrated with local family and friends on Saturday morning. Lots of yellow, for our little sunshine!
All decked out and ready for bubbles!
Baby Emerson came to party!
Cohen and Millie try out the rocket launcher...
While Sam and Kailyn swing away...
This kid loves wagons...
Hurray! Cupcake time!!
She REALLY loves the Happy Birthday song...
Big brother gives a hug and helps with the candle.
And Caroline goes for the icing!
Henry and Millie dig in too.
Did I mention my kids love tractors?
Dadda and Caroline, getting ready to open presents
Caroline, flirting with Trevor...
Kids everywhere!
I got some snuggle time with Miss Emerson...and Dadda got very nervous!
Caroline sits on the porch and waves bye to her friends...
After a fun party day, we woke up the next day on Caroline's ACTUAL birthday, and the celebration continued! Did I mention she loves wagons? This super-sized wagon was possibly her favorite gift ever. She walked around the house collecting things and tossing them in. So far, we've got a bar of soap and two chip clips...
Forget the presents, just let me play with the computer!
Once again, big brother helps open gifts. Caroline checks out this sweet life jacket. Can't wait for summer swimming at the beach and pool!
30 minutes later, the wagon is full.
Now that's a good birthday!
The festivities over, Sam takes a snoozer in the wagon (did I mention sleeping only in random places...? And yet this kid does not nap...)
As you can see (if you made it this far), we're all doing well and are happy, healthy, and feeling very well celebrated. Lots of love to all of you, and hope to see you all soon!