We had a perfect Mother's Day weekend. Here's the summary: golf, party, beach, presents, pool, pizza, park, tacos, reading, nap, park again, and home-cooked seafood. And lots of hugs and pampering all the way around. I can't imagine any better way to spend my weekend with my three favorite people on earth. They made me feel so loved, and I've never been more in love with all three of them.
First Clay & I took off on Friday to hear President Clinton speak, then go to the TPC with friends, then "The Cut" party at the TPC Friday night. You've never seen so many yuppies in one place!
Saturday morning, all four of us had breakfast with Chip and Phy then played with the Hathaways on the beach, hit up Beachside Seafood for lunch, and came back home to open Mother's Day present early!
Both of the kids gave me things they'd made at school this week. Caroline made a sweet, sweet set of handprints...
And Sam made a precious flower with his handprint in the middle, in an adorable little flowerpot. Both of these are heading to my office where they'll make me smile every time I'm having a tough day.
While we were at the beach Saturday morning, Sam picked up seashells, and Phy helped him string them onto a raffia string. He loved the sound they made when they clinked together. "Look, Mommy, a jingle-shell necklace for your Mother's Day!" I was thrilled with this necklace, and when we were at home later, Clay gave me a necklace too...a gorgeous set of pearls! Here are my necklaces from my two favorite guys...

Then we hit the pool. In full disclosure, these pictures were actually taken last weekend (we didn't take the camera this week), but this is about what it looks like every time we go...which is pretty much every Saturday and Sunday. It was a gorgeous day and with the breeze off the river it was actually almost a little chilly!
After the pool we drove back toward the beach to have Mellow Mushroom with the Hathaways. All the boys had a blast playing on the big bus at the front of the restaurant, and Caroline was so good. It's so fun to have them back in town!
This morning I slept in...all the way til 7:45! Don't laugh...the extra 45 minutes were a huge treat! We did one of our favorite weekend-morning things...walked to Einstein's for bagels and coffee, then played in Memorial Park across the street.
Sam and Caroline did some side-by-side yoga! Not really...
This scene is pretty typical. These kiddos love each other to death, and they also love tackling each other.
Caroline is one tough little cookie. Tackle her all you want, and she comes up smiling. A few shots of my happy little sugar plum...
And a few of my Snuggleman...
We kept trying to get a picture of the three of us, but the kiddos were too busy feeding sticks and leaves to the fish in the river to pose for pictures. When I took them away from their adventures for a photo, they weren't really cooperating. :)
We lingered too long at the park, and by the time we got home we were too late for church, so we played outside at our house for a while, rode tricycles, walked down to the river at the end of our street to feed the fish again, and then went to High Tide Burrito for a delicious lunch. When we got home the kids actually napped at the same time...for the first time in a very, very, very long time! I laid on the couch and read my book, then took a nap(!!!)...another very rare occurrence. When we woke up, we decided to go to another favorite park on the Ortega River, which Sam calls "the Boat park." Then Clay made a delicious seafood dinner, and we put the very tired kiddos to bed. I couldn't have had a better weekend, and I just COULD NOT LOVE THIS FAMILY ANY MORE. They are so full of spunk and spirit and love and sweetness, and they remind me of all that's good in the world. I just love being the mom in this sweet little family.
And, this is a bit of a nonsequiter, but one of our first posts on this blog was right after we had just planted some new plants in our yard, while I was pregnant with Sam. Over the years we've taken pictures of Sam, and then Sam & Caroline, in front of this dogwood. It was a tiny little thing when we first planted it, and it's hard to believe how much it and these two kids have grown in such a short time.
Here are Sam, Caroline, and the tree right before church last week.
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